Thursday, August 18, 2011


All forms. All shapes.
Forms and shapes; the eager

The living of his life clean and pristine. Not clean,
but full of steam
chug chug.

Work is good, work is great, work is all that makes me ache.

The eager ones on the cracks of time
time and time
praying for a quake and a rhyme.
Time! And rhymes of time, and rhymes of rhymes
and nickels dream of flipping dimes.

And dimes there are too few to number
while every living creature lumbers
and slumbers and lumbers and slumbers and lumbers again.
Like a winding road with no clear end or fence to mend
the end to mend to mend the end the end.

A life to defend an adult must be
concerned with giving
giving his life when he
is half done living.

But living is all that there is left
with the step step rhyme of the


chug-chug tried
miss step tried
miss step step
miss step tried
miss step slide
chug-chug slide.

A dance to end the chug-chug-lie and
A dance to make the chug-chug-cry and
A dance to make a born man free and
A dance is a chance is a chance is

A dance. A chance. To be,